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    Terms & Conditions


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    SAB Terms and Conditions

    By accessing this web site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please do not access this site. The contents of this site should not be regarded as complete or up-to-date.


    The information contained on the Site is for information purposes only. sab.com does not hold itself out as providing legal, financial or other advice via the Site.


    All products and services provided are subject to the terms and conditions and disclaimers of the applicable agreement governing their supply and use ("Product terms and conditions"). Where Product terms and conditions conflict with these Terms and Conditions, the Product terms and conditions shall prevail.

    Saudi Awwal Bank “hereinafter may be referred to as SAB” does not offer financial services or products through its use and operation of the www.sab.com portal, or gateway. Products or services on this Site do not constitute an offer or recommendation of any products or services provided by Saudi Awwal Bank . The information provided on this Site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This Site should not be considered as communicating any invitation or inducement to engage in banking or investment activity or any offer to buy or sell any securities or other instruments outside Saudi Arabia where SAB is not licensed or authorised to preform such activities.

    All the products and services that you may be able to view via this Site are available only with in Saudi Arabia It is the responsibility of any persons accessing this Site and any information available through this Site to inform himself or herself of and to observe fully the applicable laws and regulations of Saudi Arabia.

    Products discussed on this Site may not have been registered or authorized by any central bank, governmental or regulatory authority in the country of your residence. Accordingly, you may not have the benefit of protection from the securities laws, banking laws and other relevant laws and regulations of your country of residence with respect to products or services referred to on or through this Site.

    No representation is given that any securities, products, or services discussed in or accessible through this Site are suitable for you or any particular person. You acknowledge that your use of this Site and any requests for information you have made as a result of visiting this Site have not been solicited by Saudi Awwal Bank  or any of its affiliates and that the provision of any information through this Site shall not constitute or be considered investment or financial advice."


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    SAB online- Terms & Conditions
    Business Internet Banking - Terms & Conditions

    Terms and Conditions for the use of Business Internet Banking and

    Business Telephone Banking



    1. General

    The Customer shall be bound by the General Terms and Conditions for the Operation of Accounts and Electronic Banking Services governing the types of accounts in connection with the Service and in case of conflict between the said General Terms and Conditions and these Terms and Conditions, the latter shall prevail.


    2. Definitions

    In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:

    "Company" means properly constituted Limited Liability Company / general partnership / Joint Stock Company or any other company duly formed and constituted under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    "Establishment” means an establishment duly constituted under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    "Customer" means the authorized person(s) of the company or the owner of the establishment.

    "Account" means the Business Account established by the Establishment / Company.

    "SABB Business Internet Banking" means the Internet Banking Service offered by the Bank to the establishment / company. This service is available to all business accountholders.

    "SABB Business Direct" means the telephone banking service offered by the Bank to the Establishment / Company. This service is available to all business accountholders.

    "Authorized delegate SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User" means the owner of the Establishment / or the person authorized by the Company to operate the Account by internet and telephone.

    "Personal Identification Number" means the code number for the time being, established for the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User for the purpose of identification of the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User in giving instructions to the Bank by internet and telephone.

    "Credit Account" means any account maintained with the Bank for the time being, designated for the purpose of making withdrawal of funds in relation to the Business Internet and Telephone Banking Service.

    "Full Access" means that the user has the ability to complete all transactions and inquiry services through the use of SABB BIB and Business Direct Services.

    "Inquiry Access" means that the user has the ability to complete only inquiry functions on SABB BIB Business Direct.

    “Authorized Internet Banking User(s)” means the individuals who are authorized from time to time by the Customer to use the Services to issue Instructions, including both Primary and Secondary Users.

    “Delegate” means any of the Primary User(s) or Secondary Users who are authorized from time to time by the Customer to use the Services to issue instructions.

    The “Security Code” means the one-time password generated by the

    Security Device.

    The “Security Device” means an electronic device used to generate the

    Security Code.

    3. Service Scope

    The Bank will from time to time specify the scope and features of the SABB BIB and Business Direct Services and may modify, expand or reduce the same at any time and from time to time with or without notice. Where such notice shall, in the sole discretion of the Bank, be given, such notice may be made in such manner and by such means of communication as the Bank shall deem fit, including without limitation, the use of direct mailing materials, advertisement or branch display.

    4. Authorization:

    For companies: partners resolution or board resolution or board of managers resolution as per as the company’s articles of association delegating the authorized signatories to use business internet banking and business telephone banking services specifying the type of service that a delegate can perform on behalf of the company.

    The Authorized Signatories can nominate Primary Users, who can then create Secondary Users.

    5. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity:

    The Bank is authorized to act on the instruction of the Establishment / Company given by the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User by internet and telephone ("internet and telephone instruction") and the Customer agrees that:


    • the Bank is authorized to act on any internet and telephone instructions which the Bank, in its sole discretion, believes emanate from the Establishment / Company and/or Authorized BIB and Business Telephone Banking Service User by the use of the Personal Identification Number ("the PIN") assigned to the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User by the Bank and any number(s) substituted by the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User for that purpose. The Bank shall not be liable for acting in good faith in accordance with internet and telephone instructions which emanate from unauthorized individuals and the Bank shall not be under any duty to verify the identity of the person or persons giving internet and telephone instructions purportedly in the name of the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User;

      (b)        the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User shall undertake to keep the PIN strictly confidential at all times and the Establishment/Company and / or Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User shall report to the Bank immediately upon loss of the PIN and becoming aware that the PIN has fallen into the hands of any unauthorized party;

      (c)        the Customer shall ensure that there are sufficient funds or pre-arranged credit facilities in the Establishment / Company account(s) for the purpose of the internet and telephone or other instructions, and the Bank shall not be liable for any consequence arising out of the Bank’s failure to carry out such instructions due to inadequacy of fund and / or credit facilities proved always that if the Bank at its sole discretion shall decide to carry out the instructions not withstanding such inadequacy, the Bank may do so without seeking prior approval from or notice to the Establishment / Company. The Establishment / Company shall be responsible for the resulting overdraft, advance or credit thereby created;

      (d)        any exchange rate or interest rate quoted by the Bank in response to internet and telephone instruction is for reference only and shall not be binding on the Bank unless confirmed by the Bank for the purpose of transaction. Such confirmed exchange rate or interest rate, if accepted by the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User through the SABB BIB and Business Direct Service, shall be absolutely binding on the Establishment / Company notwithstanding that a different exchange rate or interest rate might have been quoted by the Bank at the relevant time through other means of communication;

      (e)        the Bank shall not be liable to the Establishment / Company for any failure to carry out any internet and telephone instruction which is attributable, wholly or in part, to any cause beyond the Bank’s control including any equipment malfunction or failure and under no circumstances shall the Bank be responsible to the Establishment / Company for any indirect or consequential losses arising out or in connection with the carrying out or otherwise of the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User’s telephone instructions;

      (f)         the Establishment / Company shall keep the Bank indemnified at all times against all actions, proceedings, claims, losses, damages, costs, and expenses which may be brought against the Bank, or suffered or incurred by the Bank and which shall have arisen either directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with the Bank accepting telephone instructions and acting or failing to act thereon unless due to the willful default of the Bank. Such indemnity shall continue notwithstanding the termination of the account relationship;

      (g)        the Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service User’s right to give internet and telephone instructions pursuant to the Terms and Conditions herein shall at all times be subject to the discretion of the Bank and that the Bank may at any time revoke such right with prior notice;

      (h)        all Authorized SABB BIB and Business Direct Service Users shall be entitled  to use the SABB BIB and Business Direct Service singly irrespective of their signing authority under the mandates for either or all of the Account, the Debit Account(s) and Credit Account(s);

      (i)         the Establishment / Company shall notify the holder of the Credit Account(s) or such other account(s) not designated as Credit Account(s) but to which the Customer has transferred money using the SABB BIB and Business Direct Service. The Bank shall not be responsible to the Customer or any other person for giving any such notice;

      (j)         if there is more than one Customer, then under the provisions herein:

      (i)         the liabilities and obligation of each of them shall be several,

      (ii)         references to the Customer shall be construed, as the context requires, to any or each of them,

      (iii)        each of them shall be bound even though any other Customer or any person intended to be bound hereby is not, and

      (iv)        the Bank shall be entitled to deal separately with a Customer on any matter, including the discharge of any liability to any extent, without affecting the liability of any other Customer, and

      (k)        the Customer understands and acknowledges that telephone instructions may not necessarily be processed by the Bank immediately, or on the same day of the giving of such telephone instructions due to system constraint or the banking procedures of the Bank. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall not be held responsible to the Customer or any other person for affecting such internet and telephone instructions at a later time and the Bank’s decision as to when to effect the said internet and telephone instructions shall be final and binding on the Customer.

      You are responsible for acquiring and maintaining any equipment required for your continued access to and use of the Internet Site (such as your telephone or  computer) and for your own computer’s anti-virus software and security measures.

      You confirm that you have assessed the security features of internet banking and have determined that they are adequate to protect each of the Delegate’s and your interests in using the Services.

      You agree to ensure that each of your Delegates complies with the terms of this Agreement and any security procedures mentioned or referred to in it including, inter alia, the security recommendations contained in the User Guide.

      If you suspect any impropriety on the part of any Delegate in connection with the Services or a Delegate leaves your business, you must take all steps available to ensure that the Delegate is unable to access the Services. You further undertake to notify us immediately to terminate such Delegate’s access to the Services.

      Each Delegate will be issued with a User ID and a Password notified to them directly but at separate intervals.

      The Customer shall follow the guidance provided by the Bank on-line in designating the User ID and the Password for identifying the Customer for the purposes of the Services.

      The Bank may, in its sole discretion, require a Customer to use a Security Code to access the Services in the event of which it is the sole responsibility of the Customer to apply to the Bank for a Security Device or a replacement if a Security Device has previously been issued but is subsequently lost or has failed to function as intended.

      The Customer shall act in good faith, exercise reasonable care and diligence in keeping the User ID, the Password, the Security Device and/or the Security Code secret. At no time and under no circumstances shall the Customer disclose the User ID, the Password and/or the Security Code to any other person or permit the Security Device to come into the possession or control of any other person.

      The Customer shall be fully responsible for any accidental or unauthorized disclosure of the User ID, the Password, the Security Device or the Security Code to any other person and shall bear the risk of the User ID, the Password, the Security Device or the Security Code   being used by unauthorized persons or for unauthorized purposes.

      Upon notice or suspicion of the User ID, the Password, the Security Device and/or the Security Code being disclosed to, and/or the Security Device being lost or has otherwise come into the possession or control of any unauthorized person or any unauthorized use of the Services being made, the Customer shall notify the Bank as soon as practicable (and the

      Bank may ask the Customer to confirm in writing any details given) and, until the Bank’s actual receipt of such notification, the Customer shall remain responsible for any and all use of the Services by unauthorized persons or for unauthorized purposes.

      6. Fees

      The Bank reserves the right to impose service fees and / or other charges from time to time as the Bank in its absolute discretion thinks fit.

      7. Governing Law

      These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

      8. Value Added Tax

      Without prejudice to the provisions of the Saudi Value Added Tax Law and its implementing Regulations, that Bank will charge a Value Added Tax at the rates prevailing by the Saudi Government from time to time without the need to obtaining the prior approval of the Costumer, Vat amount - if applicable - will be disclosed with every transaction.
    Terms and Conditions for the usage of SABVoltage for PCM Products

    At my specific request, The Saudi British Bank ("the Bank") has agreed that it shall from time to time act in accordance with SAB Voltage instructions given, or which purport to be given, by me or an authorized representative of my company.

    In consideration of the Bank, and its employees, agreeing to accept and act upon any SAB Voltage instructions I hereby irrevocably undertake to indemnify the Bank and hold it harmless from and against all costs including without limitation legal fees and expenses, claims, losses, liabilities, damages actions and proceedings whatsoever that the Bank may suffer or incur or that may arise as a result of the Bank’s accepting or acting upon such instructions, or documents. I irrevocably authorize the Bank, based on the authority/delegation provided earlier, to debit my company's account immediately for all sums paid by the Bank in respect of money whatsoever costs, charges, expenses and service charges which the Bank may incur as a result of complying with my aforesaid instructions. Furthermore, I hereby release the Bank from all liability in the event that my SAB Voltage instruction is not received or is mutilated or altered, illegible or interrupted, duplicated, incomplete, unauthorized or delayed for any reasons.

    I further agree that the Bank shall not be liable for any losses, costs, damages or liabilities:

    (i) Caused by unauthorized use or forging of my or an authorized representative’s signature;

    (ii) Arising from any error or ambiguity in any instructions received by the Bank; or

    (iii) Caused by the Bank acting on SAB Voltage instructions given by any person whom the Bank genuinely believed to be me or to have authority/delegation to give instructions on my behalf.

    In the case of SAB Voltage instructions, the original or a copy thereof shall be conclusive evidence of such instructions and this authority and indemnity shall not be prejudiced by any confirmation or other communications relating to such SAB Voltage instructions or by the absence thereof.

    The Bank shall have absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever to act or not to act upon SAB Voltage instructions to request verification of documents received by such means. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss, damage, delay or inconvenience that may result from such request for verifications.

    This authority and indemnity shall be governed and construed according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Reset of password should be requested in writing by the company's authorized signatory(ies)

    Account Opening Terms & Conditions

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