Terms and conditions
1) The offer is only valid for select customers who received the Guaranteed iPhone 15 Visa Campaign communication from the bank.
2) The offer is valid from 8 August until 30 September 2024
3) Cardholder must meet the minimum spending value of SR 30,000 internationally to qualify for the offer within the campaign period.
4) The Prize extended by the bank is an iPhone 15, however, the model and color of the iPhone is subject to availability.
5) In case the customer holds more than one SAB Visa Credit Card and fulfills the minimum spend requirement on a cumulative level across multiple Visa Credit Cards, he/she will be eligible to receive the prize only once.
6) Reversed / Refunded transactions, bill payments, SADAD, payment of financial charges, bank fees are excluded from the offer.
7) The offer is valid for transactions done internationally.
8) Only the top 200 customers with the highest international spend during the campaign period will be considered eligible to receive the prize.
9) The eligible Cardholder will be contacted by the bank with reasonable frequency to confirm that he’d like to receive the prize. Failure to answer the bank will eliminate the customer from the campaign prize.
10) If the customer fails to cooperate with the bank’s delivery courier at the time of delivery, the bank has the right to exclude the customer from the campaign prize.
11) The prize will be delivered within 4 weeks from the last day of the campaign.
12) SAB reserves the right to determine the selection of campaign winners and applicable terms.
13) In case of complaints, please contact our Customer Service through 8001166866.