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    International Spend on Visa Credit Cards – iPhone16 Campaign
    variation one Image

    Terms and Conditions

    1. This offer is exclusively valid for select customers who received the promotion communication regarding iPhone16 campaign offer when using Visa Credit Card internationally.
    2. Offer is valid from 5 March until 5 May 2025.
    3. Cardholder must meet the minimum international spend requirement specified on the SMS received by the bank within the campaign period to qualify for the offer.
    4. The Prize extended by the bank is an iPhone16, however, the model and color of the phone is subject to availability.
    5. Reversed / Refunded transactions, bill payments, SADAD, payment of financial charges, bank fees are excluded from the campaign.
    6. POS & Online transactions done internationally in any foreign currency are eligible for the prize.
    7. In case the customer holds more than one SAB Visa Credit Card and fulfills the minimum spend requirement on a cumulative level across multiple Visa Credit Cards, he/she will be eligible to receive the prize only once.
    8. The customer will receive a communication from SAB asking if he’s interested in participating in the campaign, customer must reply with “SAB16” to the following numbers to be eligible for the prize
      • Mobily: 618043
      • STC: 877180
    9. If the customer did not send the required response to the above numbers using the mobile number registered with the bank, his spends will not be considered even if the spend eligibility has been met.
    10. The bank shall not be liable for any technical issues by the customer’s telecommunication provider that result in the customer’s response not being delivered to the bank. In the event of any disputes, the bank’s decision shall be final and binding.
    11. The eligible Cardholder will be contacted by the bank 10 times within a period of 2 weeks to confirm their interest in receiving the prize. If the cardholder fails to respond by the 10th attempt, the bank will eliminate the customer from the campaign prize. 
    12. If the customer fails to cooperate with the bank’s delivery courier at the time of delivery, the bank has the right to exclude the customer from the campaign.
    13. The prize will be delivered within 6 weeks from the last day of the campaign.
    14. In case of complaint, please contact us through the bank's digital channels within 30 days of the offer end date.

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